Koombea is an app development company that doesn't follow the traditional development agency approach of focusing on just development; they see themselves as a strategic partner that can help businesses thrive through innovative technological solutions. They provide honest advice and help product teams focus on what matters for their business growth. Their team is their biggest asset and number one priority. They are masters of remote work and Agile workflows, with a remote-ready team spread throughout the globe.
Loka is a software consultancy based in Silicon Valley that moves innovations to market faster. They help build the apps, deploy the tech, and ideate innovations for fascinating startups – the kind with an impatience to make an impact and funding from premier VCs including Sequoia, Greylock and Menlo Ventures.
Rapptr Labs is a 100% U.S.-based team that creates premium mobile or web app experiences people love to use. They know app design and development can be complex, but their full-service approach covers all the facets needed to make your app a success.
From the early stages to post-launch support, Rapptr Labs is your full-service partner for crafting digital products. Whether you’re a high-growth startup, an enterprise brand, or somewhere in-between, you can trust them to launch digital products that delight your users and drive long-term engagement.
About Rapptr Labs:
"From app strategy, design and development to launch and ongoing tailored support, we are with you every step of the way – continuously refining and evolving your product.'
Social Link offers digital brand, marketing, and social media services to businesses. Social Link focuses primarily on lead generation and brand growth strategy through a multi-channel marketing approach. The systems and approaches developed by Social Link allows them to maintain a level of quality unmatched in the industry.
Very is a fully distributed IoT engineering firm, partnering with their clients to build systems for smart manufacturing, smart energy & utilities, consumer electronics, and connected wellness. Their clients come to them for answers to their thorniest questions. What they bring to the table is a world-class product team ready to deliver end-to-end IoT solutions. Very is a fully remote company, with remote positions in North and Latin America.