RSSCategory: Interviewing

Recruiter Ghosting is at an All-Time High. Here’s What Job Candidates Should–and Shouldn’t–Do About It

Recruiter Ghosting is at an All-Time High. Here’s What Job Candidates Should–and Shouldn’t–Do About It

Getting ignored by recruiters during a job search is demoralizing. The job search and application process is hard enough with its ups and downs. One minute, you might feel happy and hopeful when you hear about a great job opening. The next, you feel confused and disappointed when you don’t hear back from the recruiter […]

April 5, 2023 | By | Reply More
How To Rescue a Bad Interview:  Catching the Signs and Bouncing Back When An Interview Starts To Sink

How To Rescue a Bad Interview: Catching the Signs and Bouncing Back When An Interview Starts To Sink

Most people don’t realize an interview has gone wrong until too late. Further, they don’t have a plan in place to turn back the clock when they sense an interview going under.   Candidate Cathy and Recruiter Ronesha seem to be riding the same wave: their personalities click, their conversation is comfortable, and they even […]

March 30, 2023 | By | Reply More
The Likability Factor:  A Complete Guide to Making a Great First Impression and Boosting Your Job Interview Success

The Likability Factor: A Complete Guide to Making a Great First Impression and Boosting Your Job Interview Success

Candidate likability and its influence on hiring decisions, is something recruiters don’t like to talk about, and organizations may flat out deny. But despite the use of objective scoring systems, many hiring decisions are still based on feelings.   Likability and interview success: How likability influences decision making How instant judgments happen What makes a […]

February 7, 2023 | By | Reply More
Show Me the Money! Four Key Things to Know Before Talking About Salary In a Job Interview

Show Me the Money! Four Key Things to Know Before Talking About Salary In a Job Interview

  Are you ready to talk about salary in your next interview? Learn how to prepare yourself for salary negotiations–and win!   When it involves salary, US companies are still lagging behind–and dragging their behinds–on pay transparency. And, when it comes to supporting or enforcing it, lawmakers aren’t moving fast enough, either. No matter how […]

January 25, 2023 | By | Reply More
The Ultimate Guide to Acing Your Next Job Interview (Even When You’re Still Employed)

The Ultimate Guide to Acing Your Next Job Interview (Even When You’re Still Employed)

Acing your next interview now means that, should you need (or want) to find a new job tomorrow, you have covered all your bases.   If you’re happily employed, particularly in today’s job market, you have much for which to be grateful. Aside from the obvious reasons, you also have the perfect opportunity to set […]

January 12, 2023 | By | 2 Replies More
3 Awkward Interview Questions Commonly Asked (And How to Respond)

3 Awkward Interview Questions Commonly Asked (And How to Respond)

Talking about yourself under pressure is enough to make anyone freeze. Here’s help to answer a few of the more difficult interview questions. We’ll probably never enjoy being interviewed for a job. In fact, three questions, in particular, are at the top of the Most Dreaded Job Interview Questions list. To help you ace them, […]

December 17, 2022 | By | Reply More
10 Tips to Help You Master Your Video Interview

10 Tips to Help You Master Your Video Interview

  Prolonged safety precautions such as continuous social distancing, have made two-way video interviews employers’ preferred method of interviewing candidates.* For many job applicants, however, virtual interviews can feel more awkward than in-person meetings. (*   According to SHRM, the “shared pandemic experience has engendered empathy among recruiters and hiring managers, but new biases […]

October 25, 2021 | By | 1 Reply More
How Do I Tell A New Company I Was Fired from a Job?

How Do I Tell A New Company I Was Fired from a Job?

  Getting fired can feel like the end of the world. Here’s how to overcome.   “You’re fired!” That phrase may seem like a silly television show quip. But when it’s you on the receiving end, it sure as hell isn’t funny. In fact, hearing those words can feel like a kick in the gut. […]

October 30, 2019 | By | Reply More