RSSCategory: Productivity

11 Bad Remote Work Habits to Kick to the Curb Now!

11 Bad Remote Work Habits to Kick to the Curb Now!

  Are you letting bad work from home habits ruin what should be a positive work experience for you and your family? Here is expert advice on how to keep them from destroying your productivity and career.   According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 27.6 million people today work from their homes. This […]

January 2, 2023 | By | 3 Replies More
5 New Year’s Resolutions for Working Remotely

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Working Remotely

  The New Year is upon us! Happy New Year!   If you’re like many people, you’re preparing a few resolutions for the new year. Some might be personal, others may involve your health, while others are finance related.  Last year I set some goals, and I want to check in to see I’ve made […]

December 26, 2022 | By | Reply More
12 Virtual Communication Mistakes that Can Make You Look Awful

12 Virtual Communication Mistakes that Can Make You Look Awful

(Updated 8-20-22)   With a few simple preventative measures we can avoid many communication snafus that affect our professional relationships.   Even before the onset of COVID-19, 70% of the global workforce was already working from home at least one day a week. Virtual communication is already familiar to us; but now remote work is […]

August 20, 2022 | By | 2 Replies More
Myth vs Fact: Debunking 9 Popular Misconceptions About Remote Work

Myth vs Fact: Debunking 9 Popular Misconceptions About Remote Work

[image: worker on beach or in pajamas, or goofing around] Images abound of remote workers on beaches or working in their pajamas. This is largely inaccurate. In fact, here are some common prevailing myths about remote work. Let’s clear this up once and for all!   Remote Work Myth 1: People work in their pajamas […]

February 15, 2022 | By | Reply More
Simple Ways to Protect Your Health When You Work Remotely

Simple Ways to Protect Your Health When You Work Remotely

Specific health issues are common to remote professionals. These tips will help you protect your health.   In Part One, we talked  about health concerns common to individuals who work from home. Among them were poor posture, constant sitting, mindless eating, eye strain, and social deprivation. Remote workers also work longer hours, get less exercise, […]

June 25, 2018 | By | 3 Replies More
Top 7 Elements of an Ergonomic Home Office

Top 7 Elements of an Ergonomic Home Office

An ergonomic home office needn’t be expensive. These basic components can make all the difference to your well-being.   When you set up your home office, how much thought was given to the ergonomics of your equipment and furniture? If you’re like many people, the initial focus was getting a desk, a chair, and a […]

June 18, 2018 | By | 1 Reply More
Top Skills Employers Want In Remote Employees

Top Skills Employers Want In Remote Employees

The most valuable skills for remote workers, and why employers want them     The job ad is usually your first introduction to a potential employer, and where you learn what a position is about. But an ad won’t tell the full story. For example, why does a job posting stress that candidates have particular […]

November 11, 2015 | By | 5 Replies More
5 Tricks To Crack Down On Work Interruptions

5 Tricks To Crack Down On Work Interruptions

Fending off interruptions as you work from home can seem like an endless battle. Here are some tips to try before tossing in the towel.     Work interruptions are one of the most frustrating aspects of remote work. No matter how many Quiet! signs you post around the house, or how often you tell […]

October 23, 2015 | By | 4 Replies More
5 Power Dressing Tips for Remote Workers

5 Power Dressing Tips for Remote Workers

  Power dressing is about comfort, function, and what you want to accomplish.   There’s a wealth of information about workplace “power dressing”, a particular style of dress that signifies a confident, successful persona. But what about when you work from home, where no one can see you? Outside of an occasional delivery person, does […]

October 21, 2015 | By | 3 Replies More
Can’t You See I’m Working?

Can’t You See I’m Working?

  Is dealing with distractions keeping you from performing your best while telecommuting? Follow these tips on setting boundaries that work!   For many parents, telecommuting may seem like the answer to your prayers. You want to have more time with your kids and greater flexibility, so you take the leap, install a second phone […]

September 14, 2015 | By | 1 Reply More