RSSCategory: Resumes

Resume Core Competencies — How to Make Them Count!

Resume Core Competencies — How to Make Them Count!

For many professionals, core competencies are just a part of who they are. This can make it difficult to express them on their resumes. . Professionals at mid- and advanced-stages of their careers are expected to have proficiencies relevant to their fields. “Core competencies,” as they’re often called, refer to high levels of proficiencies individuals […]

January 4, 2023 | By | Reply More
Professional Side Gigs to Keep Your Skills (and Resume) Sharp

Professional Side Gigs to Keep Your Skills (and Resume) Sharp

Recently laid off and want to keep your skills current and avoid big gaps in your resume? Here are 45 “side hustle” platforms just for professionals.   When you think about the gig economy, what images come to mind? Drivers racing to deliver groceries or lunches? Or couriers weaving in and out of traffic?   […]

December 21, 2022 | By | Reply More
What Should You Give Your Laid Off Loved One or Friend?

What Should You Give Your Laid Off Loved One or Friend?

UPDATE! Remote WorkSource is now Career PowerUP! Visit our new website for all your career service needs – a LinkedIn profile optimization or Professional 2024 Resume Revamp are great gifts for anyone who’s just been laid off!   When it comes to gift giving this year, indulgences are out, as many job seekers ask for […]

December 14, 2022 | By | Reply More
Do Buzzwords and Cliches Make Your Resume Sound Less Powerful?

Do Buzzwords and Cliches Make Your Resume Sound Less Powerful?

  “Resume buzzwords have two major problems. First, everyone uses them, so they’re not going to help you stand out. More importantly? They’re vague, and don’t really tell hiring managers anything about your qualifications.”   In today’s job market, you have only a few options that will ensure you land an interview: being born […]

December 7, 2022 | By | Reply More
Job Searching: Why Is It So Hard to Land a Remote Position?

Job Searching: Why Is It So Hard to Land a Remote Position?

  Job searching is hard. But finding a remote job can prove even harder. Despite remote work becoming more a norm than just a trend, job seekers need to adopt a different mindset if they want to land a remote position.   Past workforce trends were once responsible for the inability of people to work […]

November 24, 2022 | By | Reply More
Are You Losing Out with These 9 Costly Resume Mistakes?

Are You Losing Out with These 9 Costly Resume Mistakes?

Resume mistakes can disqualify even the most experienced person. Find out if you are you are missing interviews because of one or more of these resume mistakes. Resume mistakes can be costly. They can pass over even the most qualified person for an interview. Depending on the position, a recruiter, or even a company’s values, […]

November 10, 2022 | By | Reply More
Do I Really Need A Cover Letter?

Do I Really Need A Cover Letter?

  Writing a cover letter is often the more difficult part of applying for a job. It helps to view it as a tool for building relationships. It is your key to connecting with someone you want to work with.   Resumes are hard enough. But with a few tweaks here and there, they can […]

November 18, 2019 | By | Reply More
How do I cover big employment gaps in my resume? (Some dos and don’ts)

How do I cover big employment gaps in my resume? (Some dos and don’ts)

  Unemployment can happen to anyone. It’s how you explain an employment gap that can make or break your chances of getting hired.   You’re eager to get back on your feet and back to work after a lengthy period of unemployment. But as you craft your resume, you face a dilemma: how should you […]

November 11, 2019 | By | 1 Reply More
How Do I Tell A New Company I Was Fired from a Job?

How Do I Tell A New Company I Was Fired from a Job?

  Getting fired can feel like the end of the world. Here’s how to overcome.   “You’re fired!” That phrase may seem like a silly television show quip. But when it’s you on the receiving end, it sure as hell isn’t funny. In fact, hearing those words can feel like a kick in the gut. […]

October 30, 2019 | By | Reply More
May I see your job references?

May I see your job references?

  When it comes to gathering  job references, new graduates and those reentering the workforce can sometimes draw blanks.   You crafted the perfect resume and paired it with a cover letter tailored to the employer you want to work for. You’ve rehearsed clever answers to all those tricky interview questions like, “Why do you […]

October 2, 2015 | By | Reply More