RSSCategory: Job Search

How to Identify an Employment Scam and Protect Yourself During Your Job Hunt

How to Identify an Employment Scam and Protect Yourself During Your Job Hunt

  Sophisticated employment scams are on the rise, and scammers are now targeting experienced, educated professionals in the prime of their careers. By posing as recruiters, scammers use elaborate methods, including fake job postings and emails that appear to be from reputable job search websites to lure in their victims. Here’s what you need to […]

May 8, 2023 | By | Reply More
Recruiter Ghosting is at an All-Time High. Here’s What Job Candidates Should–and Shouldn’t–Do About It

Recruiter Ghosting is at an All-Time High. Here’s What Job Candidates Should–and Shouldn’t–Do About It

Getting ignored by recruiters during a job search is demoralizing. The job search and application process is hard enough with its ups and downs. One minute, you might feel happy and hopeful when you hear about a great job opening. The next, you feel confused and disappointed when you don’t hear back from the recruiter […]

April 5, 2023 | By | Reply More
3 Awkward Interview Questions Commonly Asked (And How to Respond)

3 Awkward Interview Questions Commonly Asked (And How to Respond)

Talking about yourself under pressure is enough to make anyone freeze. Here’s help to answer a few of the more difficult interview questions. We’ll probably never enjoy being interviewed for a job. In fact, three questions, in particular, are at the top of the Most Dreaded Job Interview Questions list. To help you ace them, […]

December 17, 2022 | By | Reply More
What Should You Give Your Laid Off Loved One or Friend?

What Should You Give Your Laid Off Loved One or Friend?

UPDATE! Remote WorkSource is now Career PowerUP! Visit our new website for all your career service needs – a LinkedIn profile optimization or Professional 2024 Resume Revamp are great gifts for anyone who’s just been laid off!   When it comes to gift giving this year, indulgences are out, as many job seekers ask for […]

December 14, 2022 | By | Reply More
Do Buzzwords and Cliches Make Your Resume Sound Less Powerful?

Do Buzzwords and Cliches Make Your Resume Sound Less Powerful?

  “Resume buzzwords have two major problems. First, everyone uses them, so they’re not going to help you stand out. More importantly? They’re vague, and don’t really tell hiring managers anything about your qualifications.”   In today’s job market, you have only a few options that will ensure you land an interview: being born […]

December 7, 2022 | By | Reply More
Job Searching: Why Is It So Hard to Land a Remote Position?

Job Searching: Why Is It So Hard to Land a Remote Position?

  Job searching is hard. But finding a remote job can prove even harder. Despite remote work becoming more a norm than just a trend, job seekers need to adopt a different mindset if they want to land a remote position.   Past workforce trends were once responsible for the inability of people to work […]

November 24, 2022 | By | Reply More
From Fired, to Fired Up! 6 Positive Choices to Keep You Motivated

From Fired, to Fired Up! 6 Positive Choices to Keep You Motivated

  You’re out of a job. That’s the bad news. The good news, says author Jon Gordon, is that by making a few positive choices you’ll not only make your job search a thousand times more pleasant, you’ll actually make it successful.   The days following those fateful words, “We have to let you go,” […]

November 20, 2022 | By | Reply More