A Company You Should Know: CloudSource

May 31, 2016 | By | 1 Reply More
cloudsource phone agents

Featured Company: CloudSource


CloudSource offers opportunities for people at any stage in their career or life. With their flexible work from home schedules, benefits, and room for advancement, CloudSource is a company you should know about.


Sutherland Global is a global business process outsourcing (BPO) and technology-enabled services company, employing over 38,000 professionals all over the world. CloudSource, its Work@Home program, employs work from home professionals throughout the United States, and offers services in over twenty-one different languages.


RemoteWork Source recently caught up with Rebecca Martin, (former) Talent Acquisition Manager for Sutherland Global’s CloudSource division, to find out what it takes to work for CloudSource and what working for them is like.


Who can work with CloudSource

RWS:  Where do people need to live if they want to be part of CloudSource’s Work@Home program?

RM:  Our entire CloudSource team is US based.


TR:  Who actually gets to work from home? What kinds of positions allow working from home?

RM:  The majority of our home based workers are hired as customer support representatives. However, all the employees making up our CloudSource division work from home. This would include executive positions, HR, Talent Acquisition, Training, Workforce Management, Social Media support, etc.


TR:  You mentioned “employees”. Is everyone hired as an employee, or are they contract workers?

RM:  Our Work@Home team members are employees. They can work on either a full-time or part-time basis. Furthermore, full-time CloudSource employees are able to take advantage of a generous benefit package.


TR:  Okay, I have to ask because safety is important to our readers: Are applicants required to pay any kind of fee to work for CloudSource or to train with your company?

RM:  Absolutely not! Just like any hiring company, we pay our employees, they do not pay us.


TR:  Speaking of pay, what is the pay structure for phone agents like?

RM:  CloudSource pays a competitive base wage and, in some programs, top performers achieve additional monthly incentive pay based on their balanced performance each month.


cloudsource phone agents


Getting in the door with CloudSource

TR:  CloudSource already sounds like a great opportunity, especially for telephone agents. What kind of education and experience does someone need to get their foot in the door?

RM:  The majority of our telephone consultant level positions only require a high school diploma or equivalent. Some position do have higher educational requirements. As for experience, we look for a year’s worth of prior customer service experience. Or, if they are applying for a tech or sales position, a year in the appropriate type of experience.


TR:  When a candidate meets your basic requirements, what can he or she expect during the interviewing process for a phone agent?

RM:  For our CloudSource representatives, there is a combination of online assessments, a recorded interview session, and then a live phone interview.


TR:  Do telephone agents need to pay for any special equipment or software to do their job?

RM:  In most cases, agents will be required to have a personal computer that meets our minimum technical requirements. Some of our programs do provide equipment, however, In all cases, they must have high speed Internet service. Most positions require a headset as well, and we can offer them a list of suggested headsets.


Being a CloudSource agent

TR:  Once consultants are hired and completes training, what is a typical workday like for phone agents?

RM:  First of all, CloudSource doesn’t use a “shared-agent” model, so when agents are assigned to a client they will be 100% dedicated to those clients. Agents will be answering inbound customer calls over the course of their shifts. Representatives need to be very comfortable communicating over the phone. Some programs include email and/or chat correspondence. Scheduled breaks are included in their day.


TR:  Working from home is different than working onsite where there are other people around to chat with. How does CloudSource foster a team environment for their telephone agents?

RM:  Employees start out by training in a virtual classroom environment with about 20-30 other employees. So, they immediately will develop camaraderie and friendships in their training phase. They are in constant contact with team leads, subject matter experts, or managers through online chat platforms so they are never without support or feedback.


We also provide an in-house gamification platform to allow employees to communicate with each other. This is a great tool to share work related information, reward or acknowledge employees, and for phone agents to have personal time with their virtual coworkers. Family photos, recipes, jokes, and so forth are things commonly shared. Employees are encouraged to take advantage of this tool on a daily basis to stay connected and socialize with their coworkers.


cloudsource phone agents


The future for CloudSource phone agents

TR:  It sounds like even in a virtual environment, CloudSource manages to make their employees feel connected and supported. I’m curious, though: is there any room for advancement for phone agents?

RM:  Indeed! Like I said earlier, ALL of our CloudSource staff work remotely. And we make it a priority to promote from within.


TR:  I imagine after learning what it’s like to work for Sutherland CloudSource many people will want to work there. What would be your number one tip to a potential applicant that wants to apply as a Work@Home agent?

RM:  Possessing a strong work ethic is key!
Without question, Sutherland’s CloudSource division offers opportunities for people at all stages in their career. This is especially exciting for anyone interested in a position as a call agent. Visit the CloudSource website to learn about this unique Work@Home program.


phone agents for CloudSource

Look for job ads like this one, from CloudSource.


Your turn: Do you know of a company who offers work at home opportunities that should be a Featured Company on RemoteWork Source? Please tell us about them!



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Category: Work-Life Balance

About the Author ()

Pamela La Gioia is a resume writer and LinkedIn profile expert. She is also a pioneer in remote work, and has been researching and writing about remote work since the early 1990's. You can follow her on LinkedIn, for resume tips, LinkedIn insight, and general career help.

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  1. Steve Fales says:

    I want to work from home and I have everything I need. I am very disciplined and very comfortable talking on the phone. I’m looking for inbound calls with sales. Are there positions like this to work from home? Thank you…

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