Open source

Open source

Strattic Logo
IT Services and IT Consulting
Business Description

Strattic is the leading static WordPress hosting platform. By automatically converting WordPress websites to static, sites hosted on Strattic immediately become faster, more unhackable and more scalable than ever before- all with the click of a button. Marketers continue using WordPress as usual, with the end result being the most advanced version of their website possible - no downtime, no maintenance and literally getting faster as traffic increases.

Company Headquarters
5 Kiach St., Jerusalem, NA 9432901, Israel
Sysdig Logo
Computer & Network Security
Business Description

The Sysdig Secure DevOps Platform provides security to confidently run containers, Kubernetes and cloud services. Only Sysdig has the deep visibility needed to see all threats, vulnerabilities and suspicious activity. With Sysdig you can secure the build pipeline, detect and respond to runtime threats, continuously validate compliance, and monitor and troubleshoot cloud infrastructure and services.

Business Tags
Company Headquarters
135 Main Street, 21st Floor, San Francisco, California 94105, USA
(415) 872-9473
Hiring Location(s)
US, Worldwide