

Subspace Labs Logo
Technology, Information and Internet
Business Description

Subspace Labs is a distributed research and development company behind the Subspace Network. Subspace Labs is a global, remote-first team of protocol hackers and cryptocurrency enthusiasts.


The Subspace Network is a layer zero protocol that is fully interoperable with any layer one, allowing it to serve as an infrastructure layer for the entire Web3 ecosystem. Based on years of original R&D, Subspace is the first protocol to truly resolve the blockchain trilemma, providing an open, scalable platform for both storage and compute. Subspace currently supports Polkadot and Kusama, with more networks coming soon.


How Subspace Labs defines a trilemma:

"The blockchain trilemma is a term coined by Vitalik Buterin to describe the challenges of creating a secure, scalable and decentralized blockchain. He argues that a blockchain can only achieve two out of the three features in practice.


Security means retaining safety and liveness for up to a one-half adversarial fraction of nodes (the honest majority assumption). Decentralization means keeping the compute, storage, and network resources low enough for anyone to run a node on their laptop.


Scalability means transaction throughput should increase as more users join the network and as their computer hardware improves."

Also see: Anchorage Digital

Company Headquarters
Palo Alto, California 94306, USA
Hiring Location(s)